Health, Hygiene and Holy Living

Today we woke up to the fresh smell of rain, birds praising the Lord and the daily wake up call - the rooster. After eating breakfast and fellowshipping with one another, we headed off to the Museno Secondary School.

There we educated both the young ladies and men on puberty, living in the way of the Lord and what taking care of your body looks like. Lisa and Debbie spent time with the boys, specifically teaching them about diseases, parasites, germs. They were enthusiastic about the mentors they had and were excited to answer questions. Aggrey, our field partner, talked to them about sexual health, the importance of abstinence before marriage, and what a godly man looks like, which went well with the hats they received. Sue, Maryanne, Lydia and myself taught the girls. While our group was less enthusiastic than the boys, we were still able to have good conversation around puberty, healthy living and abstinence. After the presentation we gave the girls their pretty hygiene kits, gifted Their reaction to the Bibles we gave them was definitely the highlight of our visit. After some group photos and small talk, we left for the local “Walmart.” 

We spent some time buying ingredients for our upcoming cooking evening on Wednesday. Then after a short coffee stop, we were back on the road and headed back home for a quick break. -Janessa- Chickens visits (aka widow visits) Our day was rounded out with three more widow visits. We entered another mud hut to spend time in God’s word and to inquire how are dear friend is doing. The hut was extremely dark as it was overcast outside and she has no power. As our eyes adjusted we found some stools and worn out chairs to sit on. I sat down and had that awful sense that there were not just humans in this home
Using my phone flash light I checked out the area around my chair - yup chickens of different sizes and temperaments were there. During our visit they strutted across the floor and even got a better view of us from the top of the table. Thankfully we could enjoy a pleasant visit without getting pecked.
🙂 Back at our “home” we prepared materials for our day tomorrow, enjoyed a delicious supper and spent some time doing devotions and debrief.

-Sue -


  1. Love your topic title - health hygiene and holy living!

  2. I’m glad to hear there was such a strong reception to your teaching! Nothing like a lively audience. And Sue I was feeling concerned just what animal was in the hut with you as I was reading. Glad the chickens didn’t peck you!!

  3. Love that the boys were so engaged! That group shot is amazing. Sounds like you had a great day.


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